About Us

We are a Kenyan Based FinTech Startup that seeks to address the challenges around Financial institutions in Africa. We help Credit Unions (Saccos), Microfinances, Community Banks and Lending Institutions automate their data, process and payments so as to become efficient in delivering financial services to their customers.

Our exclusive focus on Financial Institutions allows us to understand and solve for the specific challenges of the banking industry. That is why we use modern technologies in approach of developing Financial Solutions tailor made for our customers and delivering support completely different than any other vendor in the market.

Our Services

Software Development

Our hands-on experience in Information Systems and other tech trends allows delivering of smart solutions that make a difference to customer expectations and business efficiency.

Systems Integrations

Our team of professionals are well equiped to develop additional functions within TierCBS and Web services to facilitate integration with 3rd party applications

Implementation and Support

Our core banking system implementation approach ensures accurate and error-free delivery of financial services to customers. Our support services are offered 24/7.

TierCBS Features

Customer Management

Customer is important to your business as ours. We have carefully design customer Module

Customer Account

Limitless of Account product from drawdown Account, Savings Account to Term Deposit

Loan Module

From Loan Application, Approval Process, Loan Contract to Repayments Schedule Generation

Teller Functions

TierCBS has Vault Management, Till Management, Cash Deposit, Cash Withdrawal, Till-to-Till Transfers


Integrated Accounting system that lets you manage your books of accounts, Journals, Budgets,Transactions, etc


Unlimited available reports for every module from clients to Financial reports. More can be added

Multi Branch

TierCBS supports Multi-Branch with the ability of each branch having its own financial reporting and the whole institution

System Integration

Easy to integrate alternate business channels like mobile banking, POS/Agency Banking and ATM

System Administration

TierCBS allows you to have full administration of managing system security and user access rights and so much more